Dermoid sinus (DS)

LABOKLIN Service ID: 8945

A dermoid sinus (DS) is a tube-like invagination of the skin. The invagination varies individually in depth of the tissue structure, sometimes as far as the spine, and can be targeted thorough palpation of the skin as a strand-like structure. The dermoid sinus is filled with hair and sebum and causes no impairment to the dog as long as it does not become inflamed. However, if there is sudden inflammation, large abscesses and massive infections can occur. Normally, the dermoid sinus is found along the dorsal midline, less commonly in the cranial area.
The 10-year collaboration between Prof. Dr. Ottmar Distl (formerly TiHo Hannover), the DZRR and since last year also LABOKLIN has now enabled a genetic test for a risk factor for the development of dermoid sinus (DS) in Rhodesian Ridgeback. The genetic test was developed using genome-wide DNA sequence data and contains two genetic markers. These markers are located on two different chromosomes, allowing a total of nine different combinations of marker constellations.


TaqMan SNP Assay

Breed list

Rhodesian Ridgeback


3 - 5 working days after arrival of the sample in the lab