BRAF mutation and BRAF comp. test – an update
Find out all about the BRAF mutation and the BRAF comp. test in dogs -…
Find out all about the BRAF mutation and the BRAF comp. test in dogs -…
According to the guidelines of the International Committee on Allergic Diseases of Animals (ICADA), it…
Leukaemias are rare in dogs and cats compared to other solid neoplasms.
Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and other small animals are popular pets and daily patients in…
Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common autoimmune skin disease in dogs and cats.
The term “Addison’s disease” is no longer recommended in the current ALIVE guidelines (ALIVE: Agreeing…
In recent years, the number of domesticated alpacas and llamas as well as the absolute…
Have you experienced any of these situation whilst in veterinary practice: an eight-week-old puppy suddenly…
Can a single blood sample simplify the invasive and expensive work-up of tumour patients? This…
The aim of hygiene measures in veterinary practices and clinics is to prevent the spread…
Alopecia in dogs can have many causes. There may be alopecia secondary to scratching, licking…
At the Laboklin expert panels, renowned experts provide answers to questions on exciting and current…
Feline coronaviruses (FCoV) are distributed worldwide and commonly seen in veterinary practice.
Small mammals are fleeing and prey animals. Serious illnesses must remain unrecognised for a long…
Rodenticides (‘rat poisons’) are repeatedly the cause of life-threatening poisoning in dogs and cats.
Throughout the season (spring – autumn), the ovaries in horse mares show physiologically cycle-related changes…
While horses are not large dogs, there are many procedures, such as dermatological examinations, that…
The gold standard in the diagnosis of mast cell tumours (MCT) is cytology and histopathology.…
Infections with Echinococcus are some of the most important zoonoses caused by cestodes.
Is the animal neutered or not? This question always arises when stray or shelter animals…
The most important lungworm species belong to the helminth superfamily Metastrongyloidea, the adults of which…
The Laboklin expert “Round Tables” have become a well-known event, whereby invited experts engage in…
The author addressed the topic of chronic weight loss in adult horses and discussed the…
A wide range of different detection methods are available to veterinarians for the diagnosis of…
Alopecia in dogs can have many causes. There may be alopecia secondary to scratching, licking…
WNV was first isolated in December 1937, from a 37-year-old, febrile woman in the West…
Apart from orthopaedic problems, intestinal diseases are the most frequent causes for consultations in the…
Insect stings can trigger hypersensitivity reactions in dogs.
Parrots, which include the popular budgerigars and cockatiels, are commonly kept pets.
The expert discussed some recent studies that address the detection of silent carrier horses.
Clinical signs of gastrointestinal complaints in horses are manifold. They include colic, diarrhoea, constipation or…
Turtles and tortoises are popular pets which can become very old when kept properly.
There are multiple causes of alopecia in small mammals. Endocrine causes are considered after ruling…
Hepatic diseases are quite common in equids. In addition to poisonous plants, toxins, parasitoses and…
Clinically, non-inflammatory alopecia is the absence of hair without other skin lesions.
Strangles is caused by the gram-positive, β-haemolytic bacterium Streptococcus equi subspecies equi.
The work-up of equine respiratory diseases is based on anamnesis, clinical examination, endoscopic findings and…
Pyodermas or bacterial skin infections (Greek: “pyo“ – pus and “derma“ – skin) are highly…
Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are an important component of blood coagulation.
Alopecia (hair loss) in cats is a common reason for cats being presented to the…
The nomenclature of equine respiratory diseases has recently been revised.
In recent years, our understanding of infectious diseases in reptiles has grown immensely.
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an IgE-mediated allergic skin disease to environmental allergens.
The oak processionary (Thaumetopoea processionea) belongs to the order of moths (Lepidoptera), specifically a species…
Pet reptiles are frequently presented to the practice for various types of skin lesions.
As veterinarians, we are aware of the importance of emerging viral diseases. Especially, when spread…
Alopecia or pathological hair loss is a frequent reason for consultation with dermatological patients, a…
Goliat is a male dachshund crossbreed born in 2012. At the age of 4 years,…
The horse’s digestive system is designed for the best possible utilisation of plant food. Digestion…
Atopic patients often produce IgE against allergens. But there are some patients who despite presenting…
In veterinary medicine, too, non-invasive diagnostic and therapeutic approaches have become increasingly important in recent…
Hass, an 18-month-old male, mixed-breed dog weighing 42 kg, was presented with a six-month history…
Before or at the beginning of the breeding season, special attention is paid to mares…
Piper is a 7-year-old Australian Shepherd (allegedly purebred), female, not neutered.
During the breeding season, the breeding suitability of all mares intended for breeding must be…
Over the last few decades the popularity of reptiles as pets has increased.