Optimal preanalytics for small mammals at LABOKLIN Bad Kissingen. Avoid pre-analytical pitfalls and improve sample quality for meaningful results.
LABOKLIN expert panel on epilepsy: specialist lectures by experts on causes, diagnostics, genetic predispositions and therapies in dogs and cats.
Find out all about the BRAF mutation and the BRAF comp. test in dogs - how these tests contribute to the diagnosis of carcinomas of the bladder and prostate.
Leukaemias are rare in dogs and cats compared to other solid neoplasms.
Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and other small animals are popular pets and daily patients in our small animal practices. As in all animals, mycoplasmas are also of great importance in small mammals.
The term “Addison’s disease” is no longer recommended in the current ALIVE guidelines (ALIVE: Agreeing Language in Veterinary Endocrinology) because it refers only to primary hypoadrenocorticism.
Have you experienced any of these situation whilst in veterinary practice: an eight-week-old puppy suddenly developing a large haematoma after a microchip has been inserted, a female dog experiencing increased bleeding during her oestrus cycle, unusual post-operative bleeding after a routine neutering...
Can a single blood sample simplify the invasive and expensive work-up of tumour patients? This is a question frequently faced by both owners and veterinarians.
At the Laboklin expert panels, renowned experts provide answers to questions on exciting and current topics. We have summarised the highlights from the panel on CKD for you.
Feline coronaviruses (FCoV) are distributed worldwide and commonly seen in veterinary practice.
Small mammals are fleeing and prey animals. Serious illnesses must remain unrecognised for a long time, otherwise the animals can easily become victims of predators!
Rodenticides (‘rat poisons’) are repeatedly the cause of life-threatening poisoning in dogs and cats.
The gold standard in the diagnosis of mast cell tumours (MCT) is cytology and histopathology. Clinical staging is based on the clinical picture including the lymph node status (cytological/ histological).