Diagnostic spectrum

Detection of Devriesea agamarum by bacterial culture can also be requested.

General information

The gram-positive bacterium Devriesea agamarum can cause dermatitis and cheilitis as well as septicaemia in lizards, predominantly in Uromastyx species, although other lizard species can also become infected. In the popular bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps), asymptomatic courses are common, as Devriesea agamarum may be part of the oral microbiome in these animals. The potential transmission to susceptible animals should be taken into account when creating groups. Clinically, the disease often presents with yellow, scabby lesions in affected animals. Outbreaks with high mortality have been described, especially if septicaemia develops. The bacterium has been detected in both wild lizards as well as lizards in captivity.