ACTH Stimulation Test Extended

LABOKLIN Service ID: 2141


  • Endocrine-active adrenal neoplasia, adrenal hyperplasia
  • Early Cushing’s disease


serum 2 x 0.5 ml


  • First blood collection = baseline value
  • Dog: Injection of 5 μg ACTH/kg as Cosacthen® i.v./i.m.
  • Second blood collection 1 hour post ACTH injection = stimulation value


(2x cortisol, 2x 17 OH progesterone)

Species list



2 - 5 days


  • Corresponds to the basic ACTH Stimulation Test regarding the interpretation of cortisol.
  • To clarify steroidal adrenal pathologies, cortisol and 17-OHprogesterone can be determined simultaneously. This is also possible in case of questionable results when determining the cortisol level after ACTH stimulation.
  • In dogs with physiological steroid hormone synthesis, the concentration of 17-OH-progesterone increases to up to 180 ng/dl in the ACTH stimulation test.
  • Dogs with a possible imbalance in the synthesis, which is found, for example, in case of enzyme defects or adrenal tumours, show an increased baseline concentration and significant hyperstimulation.
  • Dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism also show hyperstimulation. If the cortisol level is also significantly increased after stimulation, it indicates classic hyperadrenocorticism.
  • Because of the test properties, patients that are already being treated with Vetoryl® cannot be tested for 17-OH-progesterone.