Diagnostic spectrum

General information

Fungi of the genus Paranannizziopsis (P.) spp. (family: Nannizziopsiaceae) are closely related to Ophidiomyces (O.) ophidiicola, however, research on this fungi is still in it’s infacy. So far, five species have been described: P. australasiensis, P. californiensis, P. crustacea, P. longispora and P. tardicrescens. Infections can be associated with crusty-ulcerative, sometimes necrotic, dermatitis and discoloration in affected areas. These can also spread into deeper tissue layers. Additionally, moulting problems have been described. Infections can also be associated with high mortality. Paranannizziopsis spp. has been detected worldwide on different continents (North America, New Zealand, Australia, Europe) and in various wild and captive reptiles (snakes, lizards, tuataras). Lorch et al. (2023) also found evidence of co-infection with O. ophidiicola.