Analysis on Multidrug-resistant Bacteria
LABOKLIN Service ID: 1640
This profile is used to specifically screen for bacteria that are resistant to critically important antibiotics in order to identify
asymptomatic carriers (e.g. therapy dogs in hospitals and care facilities). Particularly critical resistances occur in methicillinresistant staphylococci (mainly Staphylococcus aureus and S. pseudintermedius in dogs), vancomycin-resistant enterococci mainly Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis) and enterobacteria resistant to 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins and to carbapenem antibiotics.
Material | 4 x swab with medium
Parameter | MRSA, VRE, ESBL, Carbapenemase producing bacteria |
Method | culture, microdilution |
Duration | 3 - 4 days |
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