Here you will find special documents on allergy and dermatology, including selected “Laboklin aktuell” issues. You can access further issues from the “Laboklin aktuell Dermatology” series here

Information on tests Dog/Cat
Food allergy Dog/Cat
Information on tests Horse
General dermatology/Allergology info

Getting the most from your skin biopsies
Skills for taking skin biopsies
Author: Dr. Carmen Lorente Méndez

Diagnosing dermatophytosis
Author: Dr. Carmen Lorente Méndez

Guide to diagnose
allergic diseases in dogs in 5 steps

Author: Dr. Carmen Lorente Méndez


For brochure “Diagnostic protocol for the most common dermatological diseases”,
see here:

For posters “Dermatology” and “Pollen Calendar”,
see here:

For folders “Help & Advice”,
see here: