Diagnostic spectrum
* Partner laboratory
Aspergillus can also be detected by culture (test 2151 Mycology). When requesting the mycological examination, please indicate on the submission form if Aspergillus infection is suspected.
General information
Aspergillus is a genus of moulds with approximately 200 species worldwide. In the environment, Aspergillus is particularly found in soil, organic waste, but also in animal feed. Parrots often get infected through unpeeled peanuts.
Aspergillosis is often caused by the species Aspergillus fumigatus and preferably affects the skin, nose, paranasal sinuses and the lung. Aspergillosis frequently occurs in birds, especially if the animal is predisposed by improper keeping, the administration of antibiotics or stress. This very often results in severe respiratory disorders. Other organs (e.g. CNS) can also be affected.