Parvovirus (cat, dog) - PCR (qualitative)

LABOKLIN Service ID: 8024


faeces, EDTA blood, dog: also tissue (e.g. intestine or heart)


realtime PCR


1 - 3 days


  • Direct detection of parvoviruses in the blood is possible approx. 1 – 5 days after infection.
  • PCR can be positive up to four weeks after vaccination with live vaccine.
  • In dogs, differentiation between vaccine strain (CPV-2) and field strains (CPV-2a, -2b, -2c) is possible on request. Please note that when using parvovirus vaccines containing CPV-2b as vaccine antigen (e. g. Zoetis Versican Plus, Virbagen Puppy 2b) we cannot differentiate between vaccine strain and field strain.
  • If vaccination was carried out using a vaccine with field strains or if the vaccine or vaccination status of the dog is unknown and vaccination was carried out shortly (less than 4 weeks) before the onset of the symptoms, quantitative PCR is recommended and can be requested following qualitative PCR.