Endometrial Biopsy (mare) - Pathohistology

LABOKLIN Service ID: 260


1 - 3 tissue samples approx. 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm (1 x corpus, 2 x cornua uteri), formalin-fixed (4% neutral buffered formaldehyde ≙ 10% formalin); if there is a risk of freezing, please add a maximum of 10 vol% abs. of alcohol to prevent the sample from freezing)


microscopic (standard und special stainings)


3 - 7 days


  • for the following clinical issues: breeding suitability test, barren mare, abortion, etc.
  • histological diagnosis of endometritis, endometrosis, angiopathies, (pathological) inactivity, lymphatic lacunae, false differentiations, etc.
  • fertility prognosis (categorisation according to Kenney & Doig 1986, mod. according to Schoon et al. 1992)
  • Endometrial biopsy can also be requested via the standard service Pathology and as a combined service together with reproductive fitness and mycological examination. In this case, a swab with medium must be submitted in addition to the formalin-fixed sample.