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Gut microbiota and dysbiosis

The main site of bacterial colonisation is the gastrointestinal tract. Starting from areas that are rather low in bacteria, such as the stomach and duodenum, the number of bacteria increases considerably from the small intestine to the colon (1011 – 1012 bacteria/gram of faeces).


Endocrinology is the study of glands with internal secretion and their hormones. Secreted hormones from various endocrine glands are released into the bloodstream and regulate metabolism and many other body functions such as digestion, reproduction, electrolyte balance and growth.


Haematology is a very comprehensive field. This guide provides an overview of all test procedures, from a complete blood count to blood grouping. At the same time, however, it also contains valuable background information, e.g. illustrated instructions on how to prepare a blood smear or tips on the diagnostic work-up of anaemias or leukocytoses; illustrated by many pictures and flowcharts.

Laboratory diagnostics in small mammals

This guide presents special features of laboratory diagnostics in rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, degu, hamsters and ferrets. Here you will find information on preanalytics, haematology, blood chemistry, urine and faecal examinations as well as pathogen diagnostics, the diagnosis of endocrinological diseases and cyto- and histological examinations.

Diagnostic protocol for the most common dermatological diseases

In this booklet, we present the most relevant information to help you accurately diagnose common dermatological diseases.

Laboratory Testing in Reptiles

This brochure provides information on the diagnosis of important reptile diseases. The main focus is on laboratory diagnostic options, divided into affected organ systems. Because of its compact form, this text serves as an overview. You will therefore find references to further literature, which may be helpful for clinicians interested in reptiles, at the end.