General information
Entamoeba are protozoan parasites and go through a direct life cycle. In reptiles, species of this genus can cause non-specific signs like diarrhoea, anorexia and lethargy. Organs such as the liver and the intestine are primarily affected, but other organs may also be involved. Infection can lead to severe inflammation with necrosis and abscesses. Acute death has been described as well. Entamoeba invadens is a pathogenic species in reptiles that mainly affects captive animals. Symptomatic courses have mainly been de scribed in snakes and carnivorous lizards, but also occur in different chelonian species. There may also be asymptomatic carriers, especially in herbivorous turtles and tortoises. However, these animals can also develop clinical amoebiasis. E. invadens should therefore be considered pathogenic for all reptiles.
This protozoan is transmitted by the faecal-oral route, through the ingestion of infectious cysts. Diagnostic testing can be done by PCR and/or histology of affected tissue or faeces, or by microscopic examination of faeces. Repeated examinations might be necessary due to the changing or low amount of excretion.