Parvovirus (cat, dog) - PCR (qualitative)

LABOKLIN Service ID: 8024


faeces, EDTA blood 0.2 ml, dog: also tissue (e.g. intestine or heart)


realtime PCR


1 - 3 days


  • Direct detection of parvoviruses in the blood is possible approx. 1 – 5 days after infection.
  • PCR can be positive up to four weeks after vaccination with live vaccine.
  • In dogs, differentiation between vaccine strain (CPV 2) and field strains (CPV 2a, 2b, 2c) is possible on request. Please note that when using parvovirus vaccines containing CPV2b as vaccine antigen (e. g. Zoetis Versican Plus, Virbagen Puppy 2b) we cannot differentiate between vaccine strain and field strain.
  • If vaccination was carried out using a vaccine with field strains or if the vaccine or vaccination status is unknown and vaccination was carried out shortly (less than 4 weeks) before the onset of the symptoms, quantitative PCR is recommended and can be requested following qualitative PCR.