Material | aspirate, air-dried smears on slides (SLD) after puncture, impression smears or fine needle aspiration (stained or unstained on slides without cover glass) |
Method | microscopical (standard and special stainings) |
Duration | 2 - 4 days |
Remark | - Please send liquids (puncture fluids, excretions, secretions) for further clinical chemical examinations native in neutral tubes (also suitable for bacteriology) and additionally in an EDTA tube (superior cell morphology).
- Depending on the sample material, cytology must be requested separately on the submission forms, based on the effort required:
Examples of cytology at a basic price: 1 site: up to 4 SLD, 1x liquid/lavage plus 2 SLD Examples of cytology with higher costs: 1 site: 5 – 6 SLD, 2 sites up to 4 SLD per site, liquid/lavage plus more than 2 SLD or several liquids - Quick analysis of digital images via image upload in „MyLab“: To get a veterinary diagnosis, you can upload up to 4 images of a cytological preparation from your practice with your diagnostic task via the image analysis „Digital Cytology“ in the passwordprotected area of our „MyLab“ website. You will receive the laboratory findings by e-mail, usually on the same day.