Urine Bacteriological Culture

LABOKLIN Service ID: 161


urine 1 ml


pathogenic agents, aerobic, including bacterial count


bacterial cultural, bacteriological (MALDI-TOF)


2 - 3 days


  • It is best to submit urine (ideally cystocentesis or catheter urine or clean-catch midstream urine) and a urine swab (swab with medium).
  • The urine culture test is also offered in combination with the urinalysis/ sediment test (see Haematology, Clin. Chemistry, Endocrinology / Urinalysis). In this case, at least 6 ml of urine or 5 ml of urine + swab with medium or 5 ml of urine + Uricult are required for the test.
  • Uricult Analysis as an individual test can be requested via the test ID 177.