LABOKLIN Service ID: 2277
Diagnosis | Hypothyroidism |
Material | 3 x serum each 1 ml |
Execution | - First blood collection = baseline value
- Injection of TRH i.v. (100 µg up to 3 kg bdw, 200 µg with a bdw > 3 kg)
- Second sample 20 min post injection
- Third sample 4 hours post injection = stimulation value
Parameter | - T4 (samples 1 and 3)
- TSH (samples 1 and 2)
Species list | Dog |
Duration | 1 day |
Assessment | - Euthyroidt: elevation of T4 concentration by at least 0.5 µg/dl to at least 2.5 µg/dl
- Questionable: elevation of T4 concentration by less than 0.5 µg/dl to > 2.5 µg/dl or by more than 0.5 µg/dl but to < 2.5 µg/dl
- The stimulation value is of limited significance if there is no TSH rise after 20 min.